1 Comment
Jul 9·edited Jul 9

I am no fan of heat as it triggers a health issue for me, but I do appreciate your perspective and the way you digressed into a more important subject, like the fact that air conditioning is being pushed but it makes up for 20% of greenhouse gasses planet wide. You know what else does? Travel. Boeing should plead guilty to not only production fraud but also not doing more to design planes that do not rely on fossil fuels. It kills me that people complain about heat and then travel in discriminately because they can. A friend of mine who was just here has already made 5 international flights this year. He has three more trips planned before the year is out. Because he can. Because he can afford it financially and because he says he grew up an international kid (Greek raised in Saudi Arabia). He travels on an inheritance from his father who was a Greek executive for Aramaco. Yeah, Saudi oil industry money. I swear carbon credits are a scam so I just want people to be more selective about their travel, and yeah and about turning on their AC. We have central and haven't used it since the heat dome sat on us a few years back, an event I keep trying desperately to forget. It destroyed my garden and several trees.

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